- Ctl + ↓
- This will place all your current windows of your active application side by side.
(This will also allow you to use the keyboard arrows to select a window) - Ctl + ↑
- This will place all your current applications laid-out.
- ⌘ + ↓
- This will launch or open whatever you have selected (for example, in finder).
- ⌘ + (a number from the top row of keyboard)
- This will take you to a specific browsing tab in the active window corresponding to the number pushed (eg. for the seventh tab use ‘⌘ + 7’). [Note: It seems that ⌘ + ‘9’ puts you at the last tab.]
- ‘Ctl’ + ‘tab’
- This will Cycle you through all the tabs open on your active browser window.
- ⌘ + ‘W’
- This will close the tab or window you’re using.
- ‘fn’ + ‘delete’
- This is the classic windows ‘Delete’ key. It works in the opposite direction of backspace, but in the same way.
- ⌘ +’spacebar’
- This will allow you to scroll through the language keyboards you have installed. It is very useful.
Make your own shortcut (example below:)
To maximize the active window (application), you must assign the operation a shortcut as follows;
System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcut, click “+” to add shortcut key.
Choose “All Application” which means this change will affect all application, put the text “Maximize” in “Menu Title” textbox and press “Command+Shift+M” in “Shortcut Key” textbox.
Restart Window(Application) which you would like to affect by the shortcut key.(No reboot requred)
You will find new menu item in the menu bar also.
More Mac Shortcuts:
Printing Arrows:
Printing the ‘⌘’ Symbol: