Organization: Intellectual Efficiency

Few appreciate the power of organization. A scared and mysterious force working opposite the second law of thermodynamics (all systems tend to chaos or the lowest energy state).

But the power of organization for your mind is just as significant. It’s not about how smart you are or what you’ve memorized anymore. It’s your level of access to information and the synthesis of that information.*

One very practical example of this is how you manage information or a project. For me, this meant getting organized on my house design project after years of doodling, gathering notes and pictures, etc. However, I was able to combine hundreds of files into a single google file. One file, in one place, with headings and a table of contents to navigate a large file, not to mention searchability, editability, pictures, and links.

*Don’t forget the Golden Marie Rule: Always start by eliminating (reduction). Here that meant cropping pictures, deleting redundancies, and otherwise filtering and cleaning the “data”. Further increasing efficiency

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