Ray Dalio and Richard Koch on Navigating Life

Both Ray Dailo and Richard Koch have very similar philosophies on moving through life successfully.

“…we must all constantly seek to understand and constructively deal with reality to create value and achieve personal improvement.” – Richard Koch, ‘Good Profit’

Ray Dailo has a similar philosophy which is a never-ending iterative process. Basically the journey of life is to:

  1. Have ambitious goals
  2. Encounter difficulties, failures, struggles
  3. Experience and understand the situation as clearly as possible
  4. Design and implement a solution
  5. Do it, move forward
  6. Repeat

Two final suggestions to leave with:

  • Struggle well
  • Fall in Love with the plateau

Struggle well – Learning, growing, succeeding all takes work. It’s a process of striving and overcoming obstacles. To do so with humor, kindness, and an attitude of possibility is everything.

If the journey is all there is… enjoy it!

Fall in Love with the plateau – If you’re working your recipe for success, it will take time to achieve great things. Growth takes time. There is a story about a bamboo plant that takes years of watering once it’s planted before it begins to grow, then it grows tremendously. Many things in life are like this.

If you fall in love with the plateau you may just keep working long enough to see the peaks!

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