The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch

80/20 Thinking offers you a life raft. Nothing flows from one simple cause. Nothing is inevitable. Nothing is ever in equilibrium or unchangeable. No undesired state of affairs need endure. Nothing desirable need be unobtainable. Few people understand what is really causing anything, good or bad. Causes may be very influential without being particularly noticeable or even (yet) very extensive. The balance of circumstances can be shifted in a major way by a minor action Only a few decisions really matter. Those that do, matter a great deal. Choice can always be exercised.

The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch

This book is both readable and polished like a beautifully curated museum. Each sentence, just like the book’s central idea, is true, insightful, and impactful.

Not one gorgeous rock left unturned, only what’s necessary, and not a single wasted movement.

This book is a manifesto, it is a universal truth, it is very powerful.

Put the 80/20 principle to work, even if only in a few, very targeted places in life, and tremendous results await.

To be continued…

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