5 Books to Change Your Life

Here’s the five best books to instigate change in your life.
I can attest to the life-changing potential of each of these books. They are ordered in the recommended order of reading/implementation.

1.  The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up  

Key Habits

Start by eliminating

Making value-driven decisions

Submitting yourself to a process

2.  The The Total Money Makeover

Key Habits

Living off a budget

Developing a wealth mindset (eliminating the poverty mindset)


3.  The The Miracle Morning

Key Habits

Value-based life design

Recognizing and implementing best practices

Recognizing habits as the building-blocks of life

4.  Your Money or Your Life

Key Habits

Using life-energy accounting

Designing a life for financial independence

Leveraging curiosity and community for the best life for all of us

5.  Designing Your Life

Key Habits

Bias to action (& prototyping)

Understanding that everything is a process

Leveraging design and community for the best life for all of us

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