THE Best Habit Ever!

Among the best habits ever are: practicing gratitude, exercising, walking, keeping a positive mindset, finding joy and delight, tidying, budgeting, giving, reading, sketching, journaling, practicing music or art or other things…

The Best Habit Ever is “doing” books.

The best habit ever is “doing”: “trying”: “experimenting”.

Change requires action. You must do something different if you want different results.

Here’s the process:

  1. Find something you like (a friend’s recommendation, a book, an article, a video).
  2. DO IT. Try it for long enough for results to show up (between 30 and 90 days).
  3. Determine if the results and/or process is something that works for you.
  4. Repeat.

I’ve written a lot about how tidying, budgeting, meditating, exercising, relationship work are all habits that have transformed my life, but it took me a while to realize these are all ideas I got from someone else. Through talking with them or from a book.

They key is that you must DO something. You must TRY something.

I never would have thought tidying my house would turn my life upside down (in a good way): cause me to drop out, move across the country, get married, travel for a few months (all within 6 months of tidying). The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up

I never would have thought that using a budget would transform mey life from living in debt, paycheck-to-paycheck, spending 97%-107% of my annual income to becoming generous (giving/donating every month, something I had never done before that), increasing my income, building my savings, and getting out of debt. The Total Money Makeover, Your Money or Your Life

I never would have thought that sitting quietly and observing my breath would lead to levels of calm, emotional awareness, and peace that I didn’t think possible. Search Inside Yourself, Joy on Demand

I never would have thought that each day could start like a miracle. That taking a few minutes each day to become the person I needed to become, to achieve the success I wanted to achieve, would eventually become my default. The Miracle Morning

I never would have thought that reading a book would transform my understanding of myself and others and allow me to see, hear, and feel others in a whole new way, allowing me to cultivate deep, incredibly healthy relationships. The 5 Love Languages, Unlimited Power, Awaken the Giant Within

All from not just reading books, but from doing books. The single best investment of your life could be a book, if only you DO IT!

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