Our debt free journey started in July 2017 and finished March 2020. $71,000 in debt, paid off!

I can’t quite describe how it feels, but it’s amazing. I never would have thought it was possible before this.
While it feels amazing, it hasn’t fully sunk in yet.
It has been a life-changing journey, transforming our relationship to everything in our lives.
A huge thanks to friends and family who were supportive through this journey!
In the process we learned how to use a budget, track our spending, and take control of our income. We started giving money to causes we believe in every month and money worries and money fights have evaporated…
It truly is incredible!
I wish everyone the best of luck on their personal finance journey.
Two books I highly recommend, in this order: (These are affiliate links, and remember, don’t just read books, do books!)
Also, an awesome blog: Mr. Money Moustache!
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