Day 1

Does these count?  Does this matter?  I guess that’s the ultimate question, what matters.  What do we do?  What can we do?  What should we do?

I find myself writing so many more questions than answers lately.  I’m laughing in my head asking:  why is that?  

But I’m also trying to be more present.  Accepting.  Taking things in as they are.

It’s hard sometimes to write, just to write, and to not think about an “audience”, even if there isn’t one.  There’s a filter, or maybe a valve, that is activated.  It’s not quite clear if the filter itself is a bad thing, but having it on all the time is probably not a good thing.  There’s a right to privacy and everyday anonymity.  There’s tremendous value in empathy, and the ability to fail and be wrong (in everyday kinds of ways) and be able to move and grow past them.  The value a culture places on growth will directly affect that culture’s ability to grow.  That sounds heady, but in everyday life that means, allowing the time, space, and short memory required to maintain relationships with individuals who are growing or thriving or changing, etc.  There are fits and starts and ups and downs, peaks, valleys, and plateaus.  But what’s important is:

What’s guiding us (our principles and values, mission and vision, why?)

Where we’re headed (specific goals, long term journeys)

Who we’re going with (people are everything)

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