Habits: Frequency beats Duration, Frequency beats Amplitude

Habits are the foundation of the quality of your life. The frequency of a habit is WAY more important than duration or amplitude.

The key to habits is frequency. For example, you’re better off practicing something for a minute everyday, than for 10 minutes once a week.

It’s said that Jerry Seinfeld put a red ‘X’ on the calendar everyday he worked on his craft (comedy). The key he said was to “never break the chain.”

Note: Books that cover this principle – Tony Robbins Unlimited power, Gary Keller’s The ONE Thing, Darren Hardy’s The Compound Effect, and of course Jeff Olson’s Slight Edge (Affiliate Links).

Conclusion: Habits are the Key to success! To start a habit, focus on doing it everyday and the trick is to start small. I’ve found it takes 1 day for every minute of daily habit change. Remember, frequency is everything, don’t break the chain!

(For example, my morning/daily exercise routine started by touching the ground (the first step to actually doing a push-up). If you can’t touch the ground, push-ups will be difficult or impossible. If you can touch the ground, you’re 90% of the way there! So, for the first few days of my new routine, I simply touched the floor (got into push up position). After a few days of this, it was easy to do a push-up (one). After a couple of days doing one push up, it became two, then three, and now about 15-20 minutes of exercise a day.)

Once you have a habit developed, it’s really easy to modify it (duration, intensity, type, etc.)

Good luck and happy habit forming!

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