Dealing with Cravings or Breaking Bad Habits

A “craving” or a “bad habit” is some little thing you’ve done a bunch of times in the past and are struggling not to do today. Here’s the trick. Focus on today. Everything you’ll ever accomplish is one-day-at-a-time. Focus only on making the right decision today. The reward for doing this is that it will… Continue reading Dealing with Cravings or Breaking Bad Habits

Habits Beat Motivation Every time!

Yup, motivation/inspiration sucks: it’s fickle, fleeting, and unpredictable. Habits rock! If you master habits, you will never have to worry about motivation or inspiration ever again! Listen to any of the greats: artists, athletes, actors, acupuncturists, etc. They’ll all tell you that the abit of the craft is the key. Inspiration and motivation come and… Continue reading Habits Beat Motivation Every time!

Habits: Implementation Lag or It takes 1 day for every 1 minute of daily habit change

That’s it! For every 1 minute of daily habit to be developed, it takes about a day. After years of working on mastering habits and life change, I’ve found it takes 1 day for every 1 minute of habit development. For example, if you want to practice guitar (or spanish, or whatever) for 30 minutes… Continue reading Habits: Implementation Lag or It takes 1 day for every 1 minute of daily habit change

Habits: Frequency beats Duration, Frequency beats Amplitude

Habits are the foundation of the quality of your life. The frequency of a habit is WAY more important than duration or amplitude. The key to habits is frequency. For example, you’re better off practicing something for a minute everyday, than for 10 minutes once a week. It’s said that Jerry Seinfeld put a red… Continue reading Habits: Frequency beats Duration, Frequency beats Amplitude