Language and Method...
What is a problem? Is being late to school or finding food a problem? How about navigating the Rockies or getting out of debt? The single most prominent theme of the human drama is conflict/resolution or rather problem/solution. The difference between the two is only that the latter is considered solved in a more complete and proper way, where as resolution simply means resolved as in incomplete or otherwise indeterminate way. Thus we begin to separate the Dramatic from the Mathematic.
&nbsb; Our discussion here will stick primarily to the necessity of language and method in solving problems of the Mathematical type. The distinction made above is one of subjectivity versus objectivity.
Calculus III

Multivariable Calculus - Anton, Bivens, Davis
This book takes calculus into new dimensions. By far the most practical of the calculus series, this book begins covering three-dimensional vectors and vector calculus.
The leap from the page to the real-world is made during this course. The orbit of planets, multi-variable functions, triple integrals, vector fields, and much more are covered in this concise text. This course will bring the applicability of calculus to a whole new level.
Differential Equations

Differential Equations - Dennis G. Zill
This "classic fifth edition" entails an introductory course in differential equations. This is meant to be a mathematician/engineer/physicist's first course on the topic.
While it may be obvious that equations involving derivatives will be covered, it may be less obvious how useful and interesting the topics in this book can be.
Section 1.2 especially talks about physical modeling using simple differential equations. I hope the following will be an interesting and thought-provoking addition to your studies.