Cognitive Resonanace

Cognitive resonance (the opposite of cognitive dissonance) is when perception and reality align. This consistancy leads to deep levels of peace, joy, and contentment.

On the other hand, cognitive dissonance, the stress caused by a gap between perception and reality, is very uncomfortable, and worse, often subconscious.

The mind will always move from cognitive dissonance to cognitive resonance. Belief/perception/identity will always eventually become reality.

So what’s this all about?

Creating a positive self-image is crucial in self-actualization or self-realization.

“See the best in yourself, work to bring it out!”

With a positive self-image, reinforced by affirmations, your mind and body (subconsciously and consciously) will work to bring it out for one simple reason:

“Your mind/body (subconscious) will always work towards minimizing cognitive dissonance.”

This is the fundamental principle of “the law of attraction” and “self-sabotage”. The force driving these phenomenon is the same.

If you fundamentally don’t believe you are worthy of something (success, wealth, health, etc.) it will be subconsciously (or worse, consciously) driven from your life.

The good news is, with affirmations of your best self, the things in life you desire will be continuously pulled to you.

Steps to Self-Actualization:

  1. Develop or identify your “best self”
  2. Create affirmations that solidify these characteristics and habits
  3. Repeat affirmations daily
  4. Leverage cognitive resonance over time to become the best version of yourself

The mind is too powerful to exist in a state of dissonance, it will always drive actions to align perception with reality.

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