Here’s a great method to keep a daily notebook!
(Here’s the notebook and pens I use! – Affiliate links.)
The key here is to tie big goals to daily activities.
(This is a method of creating “recipes for success” from But But But – Affiliate link).
Everyday: use the Day format below:

Everyday check the “call” box and write down who you called (friend, family, etc.). 10% Less is a habit to: “always start by eliminating” (thanks Marie Kondo! – Affiliate link). Only by doing less somewhere can you do more somewhere else. Because I have a personal goal of practicing a language everyday, I use a box to check anytime I use another language and write down the language. Finally, getting in the habit of thanking two people a day (and of course nothing their names), is a great way to practice gratitude.
The first big one labeled the “ONE thing” is the ONE Thing for that day.
Today’s ONE Thing is based on the book: The ONE Thing by Gary Keller. What’s the one thing I can do today such that everything else is easier or irrelevant?
“1% Better” (defined as: learning something new, meeting someone new, or doing something new).
The drop-downs are to count how much praying (P) and meditating (M) throughout the day.
This is repeated for the Week, Month, and Year. (these come from the weekly 10, 5, 2, 1 format below).
The next two sections, also filled out in the morning: “Today I’m feeling especially grateful for”: (great place to get specific or be grateful for something new everyday). Then, “I am”: – This is a section for your daily affirmation. You can keep it consistent or change it as frequently as you like (some inspirations from the Miracle Morning here (pdf)).
In the second half of the day the two prompts are as follows:
“One Amazing thing that happened today:” – A place to capture amazing things that happened, big or small. This might be blank for a little bit until you get into the habit of noticing amazing things!
“One way today could have been even better:” – A place to notice continued opportunities to make your days even more awesome. This also might be blank a lot of the time (yay!) or it might be filled, either way, they key is to reflect, and notice and consistent patterns and go after your most pervasive opportunity.
Each week (usually on Saturday or Sunday) us the: “10, 5, 2, 1” format below:

Start with the Year 10, 5, 2, 1 Analysis. Starting with 10 (or 100 if you want to push your imagination thinking about a legacy after you die. What’s the ONE Thing you want to achieve in 10 years, then 5 years, then 2 years (next year), then 1 year (this year). Repeat this for the next 10, 5, 2, 1 months.

I found that after w few weeks, my goals for the next few years and months (and therefore weeks and days) became crystal clear.
Try the above for a few weeks, then start customizing your notebook. Email me (below) once you’ve figure out what works best for you, I’d love to see what you come up with!

UPDATE: I’ve digitized (google sheets) my daily notebook (along with my Year, Month, Week, (10,5,2,1) goal setting templates). I use the google sheets app on my phone to fill it in everyday (usually I duplicate the previous day’s so it’s more efficient).
Every day, week, month, and year has a ONE Thing.
“1% better” means meeting someone new, learning something new, or doing something new.
“10%” means 10% less, it could be anything, but the point is to, as Marie Kondo says, always start by eliminating.
“M” means meditating (3x/day),
“P” means praying (5x/day).
Exercise is anything resembling “exercise”.
“L” means practicing a language.
“Call” is calling someone (friend, family, etc.).
The rest is pretty self-explanatory. This new habit has been a GAME-CHANGER!

I hope you find something here useful and most importantly, try stuff and figure out what works best for you!!!
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