The Core of Romantic Languages
The benefits of learning Latin will begin from day one and continue for the rest of your life. It can help you with your English, your Spanish, your French, or your history. It will give you insights into so many mottos old and new. Engravings and currency will begin to tell you more than ever before.
Lesson 1: the Alphabet
The Latin alphabet has no w or y. Otherwise, it is the same as English.
Ut sēmentem fēceris, ita metēs.
As you sow, so shall you reap.
Deō adjuvante, vincēmus.
God helping, we shall conquer.
Urbem cēpit. Posteā eam incendit.
He took the city. Afterwards he burned it.
Lēgātum laudō.
I praise the envoy.
I am praised.
Deum laudēs.
May you praise God.
Deum laudēmus.
Let us praise God.
Rogāvit num Deum laudērem.
He asked whether I was praising God.