Why I Find it Hard to Write (blog) Everyday and Why I Want to…

I’ll start with why I want to since it’s easy. As you know, I’m quite interested in habits. My personal mission is to see the best in myself and bring it about (I’m publishing this stuff to accomplish the second half of my mission: to see the best in others and help bring it out). For me, that means the rigorous (and joyus) pursuit of habits.

We are what we repeatedly do.

I have heard it more than once that daily writing is a fantastic habit (specifically blogging everyday by Seth Godin, and writing everyday from the book The Miracle Morning, and finally, I’m most inspired to write daily by the book Bird by Bird). The combination of my love of habits, self-improvement, and writing is why I want to write everyday.

Now onto the lengthier segment of this post: why I’m finding it hard…

A year ago I may have said I’m finding it hard because “finding the time” is hard or “developing the habit” is hard, but I’ve figured out how to deal with those issues. (See these other posts or check out the Book)

Recently I’ve learned that to become a good writer I have to be “vulnerable”. (I’m having a hard time with that, but starting to explore what that means.)

I find myself asking: what about my last post? Full of half fear and half pride, which makes for a whole bunch of bull.

I honestly thought that last post (whichever one…) was one of my best (or I wouldn’t have published it!) And now I’m fearful I’m pushing it into the oblivion towards the bottom of my blog (which seems to be itself in oblivion!) And I’m fearful that I won’t have a post as good or better…

I’ve learned that fear and worry are complete wastes of energy, so I’m going to do what Seth Godin and Anne Lamott have suggested: I’m going to write everyday. I’m going to push ‘Publish’ everyday. I’m going to ship, to interact with the market, everyday.

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